Praying With Power (Course E-Textbook)

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Category: 06 Practical Ministry

Author: Daphne Crause

Format: Ebooks (PDF, Mobi and ePub Files - 279 Large Pages)

Length: 279 Large Pages

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


Release the Power Within Through Prayer

Price: R286.00 - $22.00

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Versions Available:
E-Book Version

About Product:

Tap Into the Power of Prayer That God Has Given You.

Your Prayers Can Be Simple, Yet Powerful

Apostle Daphne Crause covers how you can reach your full potential in prayer, and learn to bring the Power of God into your life and the lives of others. This book is 100% practical. It's full of step by step projects that will help you to put into practice what you have learned, and add the power that you need in your prayer life.

If you are looking to take your prayer life to the next level, or just want to see results when you pray, then you will find your answer here. You do not need to wait and hope that your prayers will be answered. You can see results now.

Prayer is a simple thing. But it can be very powerful when you learn to use it the right way.

Sections in This Book

Section 01 - The Basics

Section 02 - Faith Boosters

Section 03 - Hindrances

Section 04 - Warfare

Section 05 - Intercession

Section 06 - Group Prayer

All Chapters in This Book

1. Come As Your Are

2. Simple Talk

3. He Wants to Answer

4. Share Everything

5. Be Specific

6. Simple Faith

7. Flowing Out In Love

8. Hope and Anticipation

9. Praise and Thanksgiving

10. Leave it to Him

11. Push on Through

12. Use The Word

13. United You Stand

14. Powerful Tongues

15. Be Led

16. How Are You Doing?

17. Bitterness

18. Fear

19. Guilt

20. Stressful Faith

21. Shaky Faith

22. Stand and Submit

23. Identify the Open Doors

24. Close the Open Doors

25. Power of the Blood

26. The Word As a Sword

27. The Light and the Anointing

28. Use Your Authority

29. The Power of Praise

30. The Basic Tools of Intercession

31. More Ways of Listening

32. Praying for Others

33. No Personal Burdens

34. Specific Intercession

35. Take Time to Recharge

36. Basics of Group Prayer Part 1

37. Basics of Group Prayer Part 2

38. Practical Group Prayer

Price: R286.00 - $22.00

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Best book on prayer. Every christian should have this book.

Rated: By Seun From Georgia, USA on 2012-11-12

This book on prayer written by Daphne Crause is the best book on prayer that I have ever read. I am someone who loves reading christian books and I have read a lot of books on prayer but I have never read one as complete and blessed as this. This book gives you every information you need to have a wonderful prayer life. I believe this book was inspired of God. You begin to notice changes in your prayer life and more prayers being answered as you begin to apply these biblical principles to your prayer life.