Perfecting Your Prophetic Ministry (MP3 Audio)

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Category: 02 Prophetic

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: MP3 Audio (5 MP3 Audio Files - Runtime: 148 Minutes)

Length: 5 MP3 Files - Runtime: 148 Minutes

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


You Are Not Perfect, But Your Prophetic Ministry Can Be

Price: R260.00 - $20.00

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Versions Available:
MP3 Audio Version

About Product:

There is a New Prophetic Movement Coming

Is Your Prophetic Ministry Perfect Yet?

Have you been struggling to reach the place where you can get revelation from God? The chances are that you do not think your ministry is perfect yet. Perhaps you feel that you will never get to the place where you can just minister and know without a doubt that you heard from God.

The truth is that you will never be perfect, but with a little help you can get pretty close

Maybe you are one of those who has never even tried to flow in the Prophetic gifts before. But God wants you to have them. They are things that you will need, because He is bringing a new Prophetic Movement to the Body of Christ. And every believer is going to be able to flow as a Prophet.

That means that if you have never prophesied and you want to do it, then you can learn to do it right now. If you have never heard God's voice, then you can do it right now. It is available to you. If you already have this, then there is still much more you can get.

Practice Makes Perfect

So often there are those who get revelation and think that they now know how the Prophetic works. But even those who have been through God's training still have to learn how to operate. It takes practice just like any other skill. God will give you what you need, but you have to learn how to use it.

This teaching takes you through how you can do this. You will learn how to truly minister perfectly as a Prophet of God, and know that you are flowing correctly. If you are not yet sure of your Prophetic Gifts then you will be by the time you are finished with this.

You will be taken step by step through how you can practice this ministry until it becomes a part of you. You will be taken through a process of Perfecting Your Prophetic Ministry. And when you are through you will know how to use this awesome ability to get revelation. You will be able to hear and speak God's word into the earth.

If this is what you want, you can have it right now.

Audio Files in This Series:

Section 01 - Everyone Can Prophesy

Section 02 - What the Prophetic Ministry Is

Section 03 - Tools to Develop Listening

Section 04 - Prophetic Prophecy: Learning to Hear

Section 05 - Practicing Prophecy: Learning to Speak

Price: R260.00 - $20.00

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