Prophetic Visions and Dreams (MP3 Audio)

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Category: 02 Prophetic

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: MP3 Audio (9 MP3 Audio Files - Runtime: 286 Minutes)

Length: 9 MP3 Files - Runtime: 286 Minutes

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


New Release - You Can Understand Your Visions and Dreams

Price: R351.00 - $27.00

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Versions Available:
MP3 Audio Version

About Product:

You Can Understand Your Visions And Dreams

You have been seeing visions without realizing it.

But how can you tell if the vision is really from God, and what should you do with this vision?

Your dreams often have clear meanings. But when you try to understand them you get confused. Dream interpretation seems so complicated, and you do not know what all the pictures are supposed to mean.

You have read books on the subject, but they do not explain how these things work or why you are experiencing what you do.

You would like to use visions and dreams in your Prophetic Ministry but you do not know enough about them to be confident in this.

An Answer To Your Confusion Has Arrived

After years of experience in training Prophets, counseling and ministering to people using their dreams and visions, Apostle Les D. Crause has finally put together the most comprehensive teaching on this vital subject to date.

In it you will learn :

  1. That everyone has visions, and all visions are not the same
  2. The difference between natural visions, spiritual visions and supernatural visions.
  3. Why we dream and how the dream process works.
  4. That some dreams can be night visions and are very similar to visions.
  5. How to tell the difference between natural dreams, spiritual dreams and supernatural dreams.
  6. When to interpret your dreams, and when not to.
  7. The difference between Supernatural dreams that come from God, and those that come from Satan.
  8. The role that visions and dreams play in your Prophetic Ministry.
  9. How to make full use of your own visions and dreams in ministry and how to help others in theirs.

How To Make Your Visions and Dreams Come to Life

You can listen right now to the comprehensive teaching on this subject that was given in 9 powerful lectures by Apostle Les.

Each builds on the other and leads you step by step into a full understanding of this vital subject.

By the time you are finished, you will finally understand how these things work and especially how they function in you.

No more will you stand on the sidelines, but you will rise up and use this knowledge to flow powerfully in ministry.

Download the mp3 files of this powerful teaching and get started right away.

Sections in This Series:

01 - Prophetic Dreams and Visions

02 - Visions: How to Interpret and Apply Them

03 - How and Why We Dream

04 - Kinds of Natural Dreaming

05 - How Spiritual Dreams Function

06 - Practical Principles of Dream Interpretation

07 - Common Dream Symbols

08 - Supernatural Dreams

09 - Divine Supernatural Dreams Vs Demonic Supernatural Dreams


Price: R351.00 - $27.00

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