Harvesting Your Desires (MP3 Audio)

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Category: 05 Abundant Living

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: MP3 Audio (5 MP3 Audio Files - 80 Minutes Runtime)

Length: 5 MP3 Files - 80 Minutes Runtime

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


How to Harvest what you Desire Most in Life

Price: R52.00 - $4.00

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Versions Available:
E-Book Version
MP3 Audio Version

About Product:

You Can Harvest any Desire that you Have, if You Plant it the Right Way

It is More Than Just Sowing and Reaping

There are three main things that most of us desire at one time or another.

1. Greater wealth and financial independence.

2. Greater health physical strength

3. Better relationships with others, or with a life partner

These things are what we call Health, Wealth, and Relationships. But how long do you have to wait for these to be fulfilled?

Something Can be Done to Fulfill These Desires

Perhaps you have tried and failed many times and have even come to wonder if the Lord really cares or hears your prayer. You may be afraid to even try again, because you expect it to not work.

But there is a way to fulfill your desires, and it is as simple as growing plants and reaping the fruit.

These are a few simple steps that you can take to start growing not only these desires mentioned, but anything that you desire in your life, your ministry or your business.

In this teaching Apostle Les gives you the tools you need and the steps to take.

It all Starts with a Desire

The first and most important step is to have a core desire. This is a desire that cannot be taken a way. It is something you can not stop talking about. Sure you may have a desire, but is it a true core desire?

This is the first of 7 steps that you can take to bring about what it is you desire most. Maybe you already have a core desire where do you go from there?

You Need to Know Your Rights

You have rights as a born again believer, and you need to know how to use them.

Prepare the Ground

There is a time to sow, but only when you have prepared the ground the right way. Sometimes it hard, and you have to soften it.

Sow and Water

When the ground is ready you can sow and water your seeds. You must remember to water or they will not grow.

The Final steps

After this it is a process of protecting, growing, and finally reaping your harvest.

Maybe you have heard this before, and it did not work for you. But God wants you to have your desires. All that you need to do is learn to grow the harvest the way He wants you to.

These steps may seem complicated, they may even sound like a bunch of spiritual pictures that mean nothing to you. The truth is that there is a power inside you that God has given you, and you can use it right now.

If you have a true desire and you know God wants this for you, then you will find the answers you are looking for in this teaching.

MP3s in this Set:

MP3 01 - Intro and Step 1: Develop a Core Desire

MP3 02 - Step 2: Know Your Rights

MP3 03 - Step 3: Prepare Your Ground

MP3 04 - Step 4: Sow and Water

MP3 05 - Steps 5 to 7: Protect, Grow and Reap

Approximately 80 minutes of runtime.

Price: R52.00 - $4.00

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