Spiritual Transformation (MP3 Audio)

Book cover

Category: 06 Practical Ministry

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: MP3 Audio (5 MP3 Audio Files - 219 Minutes Runtime)

Length: 5 MP3 Files - 219 Minutes

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


Change Your Life Past, Present and Future.

Price: R221.00 - $17.00

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Versions Available:
MP3 Audio Version

About Product:

Transform Your Life, Past, Present and Future

The past always carries bad experiences that left us with pain, fear, embarrassment, guilt and many other inner conflicts.

Over time we forget these things. But the scar still remains deep inside, and it only takes one small event in our lives to bring back all the painful memories.

Often the present becomes the past, and you find yourself once again living with the same feelings you had back there. It seems almost impossible to shake these things.

Habit patterns from the past come out when you least expect them, and when you really do not want them to manifest. But once again, you find yourself powerless to overcome.

What Is The Answer?

There is a way to overcome, and the solution lies in only one person - The Lord Jesus Himself. He alone can heal the hurts and turmoil that you feel inside. His presence alone can help you break free of the past and face the future with boldness and confidence.

You need someone to take you by the hand and show you how you can break free and experience the Transformation that is yours in the presence of the one who Loves you.

Apostle Les D. Crause has experienced most of the things that can go wrong in life. And he learned how to overcome these experiences in the presence of the Lord Jesus.

Now he would like to show you how you can do the same, and walk in the freedom and joy that you truly desire.

He has given a full teaching series entitled Spiritual Transformation, in which he lays out all of the principles involved, and this is now available to you both in the original audio teachings, and in the printed transcripts of those teachings.

Here Is What You Will Learn

  1. The principles that you need to break free
  2. How to enter into the presence of Jesus and know His power
  3. How to deal with hurts from the past and put them to sleep
  4. How to deal with childhood experiences from bad parenting
  5. Healing other childhood hurts
  6. How habits are formed in our lives
  7. How to deal with habits and change your spiritual DNA
  8. How to hear the Lord through His Word
  9. How to journal for direction
  10. How to tap into the power of speaking in tongues
  11. How to make Jesus part of your life

This is not only for select people. It is available to anyone who desires it, no matter what your spiritual experience

What You Should Do Right Now

With this teaching in your hands, you will be able to review your past life experiences without fear.

You will face them once more to remove the sting they still hold, and to experience the transformation that will set you free.

This teaching will lead you step by step in what to do, and Jesus will do the rest.

The results are instant and permanent. You will be amazed at how easy it is to break free and wonder why you did not learn this before.

So get ready to put the past behind you once for all and start living the life you deserve as a child of the Lord.

Price: R221.00 - $17.00

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