The Evangelistic Calling (E-Kit)

Book cover

Category: Fivefold Ministry

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: Ekits (Digital PDF, Mobi, ePub - 6 MP3 Files: 243 Minutes)

Length: 1 Ebook - 7 MP3 Files

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


Moving From Basic Evangelistic Ministry to a Higher Calling

Price: R377.00 - $29.00

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About Product:

The Call to Evangelist Explained Like Never Before

The Evangelist is a bringer of GOOD NEWS

This means that the evangelist does not need to be a hell fire and brimstone preacher, who exposes sin and speaks judgment.

1. The Good News is that Jesus has paid the price for our sin and we can be set free of the guilt and consequences of our sin.

2. The Good News is that Jesus has paid the price for our sicknesses, and we can walk in health.

3. The Good News is that Jesus has paid the price for our poverty and lack, and we can walk in financial freedom.

4. The Good News is that Jesus has paid the price for our victory and we can be set free from bondage to bad habits, demonic powers and things that control us.

5. The Good News is that Jesus offers these things to us freely. All we need to do is receive them by faith.

The Evangelist is Anointed to Apply the Good News

This means that the evangelist is empowered by the anointing of God to confirm the preaching of the Word with signs following.

1. The Evangelist functions in the power gifts, which include healing, faith and miracles.

2. The Evangelist functions in revelation gifts, which include knowing things supernaturally by revelation from the Holy Spirit.

This course will teach you how to identify the evangelistic calling, how God prepares His evangelists, and how to flow in the Evangelistic Anointing.

Here Are Some of The Subjects Covered

1. Signs of the Evangelistic Calling

2. The Evangelistic Purpose

3. The Evangelistic Anointing - The Principles

4. The Evangelistic Anointing - The Presence

5. The Evangelistic Anointing - The Power

6. Functions of the Evangelist

7. The Evangelistic Preparation

8. The Evangelistic Training

Price: R377.00 - $29.00

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