The Teaching Calling (Course E-Textbook)

Book cover

Category: 00 Fivefold Ministry

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: Ebooks (Digital PDF, ePub, Mobi files - 266 Large Pages)

Length: 266 Large Pages - PDF

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


A Call to Shape the Body of Christ

Price: R325.00 - $24.99

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Versions Available:
E-Book Version

About Product:

A Call to Shape the Body of Christ

The Teacher is someone who preaches long boring sermons using dozens of Scripture references, and is often so deep that few people really understand him.

If this has been your experience with preacher claiming to be teachers, then I am afraid you have never heard someone who is truly called to be a Teacher.

The true Fivefold Teacher makes the Word so exciting that folks want to hear more and they are challenged to go on with God as a result.

The true Fivefold Teacher is also a trainer, who molds ministries through the Spirit and the Word.

The Fivefold Teacher is like the Scribes of old, who were specialists in the Scriptures and have the ability to present not only old ideas, but also brand new fresh ideas that make the Word and serving the Lord exciting.

Everything You Need To Become a Teacher

This course not only shows you what a teacher is and does, but what the teacher must go through in order to rise up into one of the higher level ministries of the Fivefold Ministry.

Lectures Available For This Course

Signs of the Teaching Calling

Bad Presentations
Functions of the Teaching Ministry
What the Teaching Ministry is Not
What the Teaching Ministry Is
Ministry to Every Area
Signs of the Teaching Ministry

The Teaching Purpose

Building Faith Through the Word
Different Views of the Word
Building Hope Into the Body
Building Unity Through Love

The Teaching Anointing Part 1

How the Teaching Anointing Works
How I Received the Teaching Anointing
New Teachers Arising

The Teaching Anointing Part 2

What a Teacher Looks Like
Receiving and Developing the Anointing

Teaching Preparation Part 1

Learning from Life
Other Ways of Learning
Spiritual Preparation

Teaching Preparation Part 2

The Role of the Spirit and Dealings of God
From Ministry to Office
Molding Lives Through Pressure

The Functions of a Teacher Part 1

Basic Teaching Functions
The Role of Conviction
Tools for Bringing Conviction

The Functions of a Teacher Part 2

Bringing Correction
How to Bring Change
The Function of Discipline

The Teaching Office

Learning About the Offices
How the Fivefold Are Trained
Training for Teaching Office

Price: R325.00 - $24.99

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