New Way of Blessing Part 3 - Living Your Blessing (MP3 Audio)

Book cover

Category: 05 Abundant Living

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: MP3 Audio (6 MP3 files)

Length: 6 MP3 files

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


It is Time to Live The Blessing of God in Your Life

Price: R338.00 - $26.00

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Versions Available:
E-Book Version
MP3 Audio Version

About Product:

The New Way of Blessing Now Has a New Volume

After more than twenty years since the original Way of Blessing was created in two volumes, we finally have added the third volume to make this teaching full and complete.

If you have read The New Way of Blessing Volumes then you are going to love this new third volume.

But even you have never seen the first two volumes you will still be able to apply everything taught in this new third volume.

Of course, if you really want to have ALL the principles, you should seriously work your way through all three volumes. Your life will never be the same again

What You Will Learn

1. Decide first what it will take to make you happy Page 7

2. The three things you need to produce happiness Page 9

3. The kinds of knowledge you must have Page 10

4. How to tap into what is already in you Page 14

5. Some things you will need to change Page 18

6. The tricks Satan uses against you Page 23

7. You gotta make some plans Page 28

8. What it really means to be healthy Page 30

9. The things that your soul feeds on Page 38

10. These are essential for producing wealth Page 44

11. How to hear from God Page 53

12. Right attitudes for becoming wealthy Page 54

13. The important role of journaling in everything Page 60

14. How to bring your plans to life Page 68

15. What you speak is what you get Page 70

16. The right way to meditate Page 76

17. How to know when the time is right Page 78

18. How Jesus and Joshua did it Page 81

19. Why you need others to help you Page 85

20. Where each temperament fails Page 87

21. The right way to build relationships Page 96

22. The one essential quality that always builds relationships Page 102

23. The right way to show acceptance and recognition Page 107

24. Watching the Master at work Page 111

25. Using the spiritual forces to build relationships Page 113

26. How a leader builds relationships Page 118

27. Making a pre-action checklist Page 125

28. The importance of knowing your authority Page 128

29. How to be confident in the Lord Page 134

30. What you should know about your creative power Page 136

31. How you can cause a creation to take place Page 138

32. How you can create miracles Page 145

33. How you can create health Page 146

34. How you can create wealth Page 148

35. How you can create relationships Page 150

36. The correct way to change your habits Page 160

37. The Day that Turns your Life around Page 162

38. Experience salvation in health, wealth and relationships Page 165

39. Laws that always work Page 174

40. How to take out your big guns Page 179

41. How to make full use of the Holy Spirit Page 185

42. The right place to always start Page 187

Price: R338.00 - $26.00

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