The End Times Church Complete Kit (Ekit)

Book cover

Category: 01 Apostolic

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: Ekits (500 Pages - PDF, ePub, Mobi Files)

Length: 500 Pages - PDF, ePub, Mobi Files

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


The Church of God is Rising

Price: R420.00 - $32.00

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About Product:

Book 1 - Building The New Church

There Is a New Church Coming - Bigger Than Anyone Could Have Imagined.

This book is the start of a revolutionary new teaching on what the End Times Church will look like

Paul introduced a new pattern which he called The Mystery of the Church.


Even so, what the Early Church had was lost in the dark ages, and the Church nearly disappeared.

So God BEGAN to restore the Church and at the same time He began to build a NEW CHURCH.

The Lord has given Apostle Les D. Crause the mandate to introduce the new pattern that God has for the Final Church. It will be similar in some ways to the Early Church, but there are many new things that God will add.

The Church of the future will not be the same as it always was. But it will be a church filled with Gods power, that will shine like a beacon in this world.

In this book you will learn the first steps that need to be taken to restore the Church to its former glory, and some of the new things that God has added.

Here Is What You Will Learn

  1. What the Church looked like in the past, and where it is headed now
  2. The Pattern of Discipleship That Should Exist in the New Church
  3. What Meetings Should Look Like in the New Church
  4. How Finances Should Be Handled in the New Church
  5. How Families Should Function in the New Church
  6. What a Local Church Should Look Like
  7. How Church Growth Should Be Accomplished
  8. How Gods Leaders Should Be Trained
  9. How Leaders Should Function in the New Church

Now You Can Get Started

You have burned to see change in the Church. The pattern is all wrong, but nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

If this is the fire inside of you, then God has probably called you to a higher level Ministry Office. And He plans to use YOU to bring the change.

But what will you change?

What SHOULD you change?

This teaching will give you a solid grounding on the kind of things that God wants in His new Church.

So grab the pattern now and start building the New Church

Book 2 - The Mystery of The End Times Church

The Mystery is Being Revealed.

Since the beginning of the church, God has been revealing slowly His plan and purpose. The church today is not the same as it was at the beginning.

With each stage God has added more to the Church. And in recent years we have seen Him restoring the Fivefold Ministry to the church.

But the final plan is still a mystery. That mystery is now starting to be revealed.

Apostle Les has a unique mandate from the Lord to build the end times church. For many years he has been preparing materials to reach the body of Christ so that they are ready and equipped for what they are called to do.

Years ago He begun preparing a teaching on the Mystery of the End Times Church. But up until now the Church has not been ready to hear it.

This teaching is the starting point and lays a foundation of what has happened up until now in the church and what is to come in the future church. And now this teaching has finally been released to the public.

The Three Churches

You will discover three distinct church eras that God has taken us through and what each one was for.

A Shakeup

Be warned, you might be shaken as you go through this teaching. There will be many who may not accept what this book has to say.

It challenges the status quo and the way many view the church of God.

God is still moving in His church and His future plan is being revealed. If you want to see what lies is store, then this book is for you.

Sections in This Book

Section 01 - The Three Churches of God
Section 02 - The Early Church Versus The Future Church
Section 03 - God's Timeline For The Churches
Section 04 - New Things in The Future Church
Section 05 - God's Order For Rituals and Ordinances
Section 06 - Types of Church

Price: R420.00 - $32.00

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