Mantles of God (eBook)

Book cover

Category: 06 Practical Ministry

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: Ebooks (PDF, ePub, Mobi File - 222 Large Pages)

Length: 222 PDF Pages

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


There are Many Mantles Available to You

Price: R320.00 - $24.99

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About Product:

Mantles of God

Discover what you have as a believer in Christ and how to activate it.

Most people are familiar with the Bible account of Elisha receiving the mantle of Elijah and how this is a picture of someone passing on their anointing for ministry to someone else.

It has often been taught that some of the great men and women of God of the past have passed on their unique mantles of ministry to others. And there is also some teaching on how this continues to take place today.

But most believers would never benefit from such teaching, because they are not at that higher level of ministry and have no way of getting close to those who have risen up as leaders in the Body of Christ.

Apostle Les D. Crause has been training the Fivefold Ministry for nearly 20 years, and recently the Lord led him to extend his training to all ministries in the Body of Christ and not just the Fivefold Ministry.

The launch of the School of the Supernatural led to a fresh look at the subject of ministry mantles, and he discovered that mantles in the Scripture were actually nothing more than different kinds of garments.

A mantle often identified the kind of work a person did, and each garment worn was a different kind of mantle. In fact the word mantle itself was mostly interchangeable with the word garment.

The Lord showed him that this concept could be translated into a spiritual meaning where a mantle could mean any kind of ministry function, and not just the Prophetic ministry as indicated by the mantle of Elijah.

New Mantles From God

With this new approach to the subject, he looked into the Scriptures and received revelation from the Lord concerning ministry mantles, and a whole new world of understanding opened up.

He discovered that not only did each different ministry carry a unique mantle, but this was not limited to leaders only. Every believer can receive mantles of ministry and now it was possible for everyone to seek the Lord for specific mantles in the Spirit.

As the School of the Supernatural entered its second year it was time to introduce the full teachings on the Mantles of God, and the subject began to expand into something far bigger than anticipated at first.

Now we can present to the world and the Body of Christ, his first official publication on the subject entitled Mantles of God. The book includes some content from lessons given to the students of the school via WhatsApp on a weekly basis.

This is the most comprehensive teaching you will find anywhere on this subject. You can check online to see what is available from others, and you will see that there is very little correct teaching on this very important subject.

If you would like to be totally up to date on what the Lord is doing in the Body of Christ and have a full understanding of mantles of ministry, you now have a golden opportunity to become an expert on the subject by reading this book.

Price: R320.00 - $24.99

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Customer Reviews:

A book to help in your life of discipleship

Rated: By Ericcson Mapfumo From England on 2022-03-23

I would highly recommend this book especially if you want to grow in your spiritual life as well as in understanding how to tap into the move of God.

The teaching you will find in this book have really been helpful to me, in bringing me to a place of deeper understanding on what is a mantle, and how it can be activated. In the past, my understanding of a mantle was not clear, despite the fact that l used this word in my everyday conversations.

Surely, this is the book to have in your library.

The Power of God Unleashed!

Rated: By Mpono Mosaase From Maseru, Lesotho on 2022-03-23

If it were by me, the Mantles of God would be a foundational course for every believer because there is no ‘serving’ God without first understanding this.

This is no time for trial and error in our walk and service to God but time to stand in His Authority and Power to make impact.

The Mantles of God has been such an eye opener for me and it did not just end there. I’ve been so empowered to function as a minister of God that I wonder what it is that I’ve been doing before.

If there’s only one book for anyone to read this year, it’s this one!!

It's a powerful book to learn about Mantles.

Rated: By Mercy Kapoko From South Africa, Johannesburg. on 2022-03-23

It's a must have teaching on Mantles of God, how to active them, how to receive them, and mostly how to use them, you will let the mantle of abilities and of Authority, the goods is that all believers can have the mantle of abilities if you so desire to have. Finally you get to learn and know the Mantles of Authority. This book is one of it's kind, the anointing in it will make you live each lesson. Go ahead get one for yourself and be transform and filled with God's power.

Now I Understand

Rated: By Nakia Hawley From Mebane, NC / USA on 2022-03-23

In the prophetic or apostolic circles I’d always heard mantles this, mantles that. I either thought it was so hard to reach that I would never get there or it would take me a very long time.

Others taught you were born with certain capabilities that were destined to take you there. But there was no clear definition or example of any of this.

I read Apostle Les’ book titled “Mantles of God” and Now I understand!

He breaks it down for any and everyone to understand. It gets me going and excited and he shows us that mantles are not just for the 5 fold. There are mantles for every believer.

Dive in, you will not only be glad you did but you will receive some of his anointing and take his understanding with you to move in powerful supernatural things of God’s ministries. I’m on my way, Go with me. :-)

The contains Most the principles that the Body of Christ nee

Rated: By Morake Ricks Mooketsi From Gaborone , Botswana on 2022-03-23

The book is quite rich with new revelations and basic spiritual principles on the mantles of God, and its simple to understand, even a young believer, will find it easy to understand, most of the principles contained the book can be applied by any one to deal with the attacks from the enemy.

I enjoyed the part that deals with overcoming demonic mantles, how to deal with bad( demonic mantles that we receive through human channels. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand how the spiritual mantles work. It's so unique and very exciting .
Thank so much Apostle Les for making this book available to the BODY of Christ.

The book contains Most the principles that the Body of Chri

Rated: By Morake Ricks Mooketsi From Gaborone , Botswana on 2022-03-23

The book is quite rich with new revelations and basic spiritual principles on the mantles of God, and its simple to understand, even a young believer, will find it easy to understand, most of the principles contained the book can be applied by any one to deal with the attacks from the enemy.

I enjoyed the part that deals with overcoming demonic mantles, how to deal with bad( demonic mantles that we receive through human channels. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand how the spiritual mantles work. It's so unique and very exciting .
Thank so much Apostle Les for making this book available to the BODY of Christ.

The book contains Most the principles that the Body of Chri

Rated: By Morake Ricks Mooketsi From Gaborone , Botswana on 2022-03-23

The book is quite rich with new revelations and basic spiritual principles on the mantles of God, and its simple to understand, even a young believer, will find it easy to understand, most of the principles contained in the book can be applied by anyone to deal with the attacks from the enemy.

I enjoyed the part that deals with overcoming demonic mantles, how to deal with bad( demonic mantles that we receive through human channels. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand how the spiritual mantles work. It's so unique and very exciting .
Thank so much Apostle Les for making this book available to the BODY of Christ.

Awesome book

Rated: By Moshe Mosaase From Maseru, Lesotho on 2022-03-28

Apostle Les Crause by his God-given wisdom brings alive the teaching on the Mantles of God in this book full of revelation. You will not just be taught but impartation will happen as you study the book.

Awesome book

Rated: By Moshe Mosaase From Maseru, Lesotho on 2022-03-28

Apostle Les Crause by his God-given wisdom brings alive the teaching on the Mantles of God in this book full of revelation. You will not just be taught but impartation will happen as you study the book.

Thought provoking and life changing for those seeking to mov

Rated: By Thabo George Kapoko From Johannesburg, South Africa on 2022-03-28

A rearely taught subject in the church today, where we have replaced the supernatural power of God with tangeble things and man taking the place of God. This book will revive a new hunger and thirst for the true manifestation of the supernatural power of God. It challenges a believer to review what they learnt and challenges them to be willing to let go of the former in order to embrace the latter that the Lord has in store for them. It is a great read in this generation of counterfeit miracles and charlatans luring on the valnerable and even the elect of the lord.