God Kind of Business (EBook)

Book cover

Category: 04 Business

Author: Les D. Crause

Format: Ebooks (PDF, ePub, Mobi Files - 172 Large Pages)

Length: 172 Large Pages

Published By: Global Business Ministries International


When You Are Not Sure Where To Start In Business

Price: R260.00 - $19.99

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Versions Available:
E-Book Version
MP3 Audio Version

About Product:

Everything You Need to Start and Run a Successful Business At Any Level

If You Are Not Sure Where To Start, This is The Place

Owning and operating a business is a lot like owning a boat or ship. You can choose whatever suits you, from a little sailing boat (freelancer) up to a huge ocean liner (large corporation). Or you can start small and work your way up.

No matter what your skills or resources, there is a place for you if the fire of an Entrepreneur burns in you. This course will show you how to fulfill your dreams of being in your own business and experiencing the joy of being your own boss.

Weary of doing things the way someone else wants them done, when you know that you could do them far better? The God Kind of Business will show you what options are available to you and how to do everything better.

At last you can be in control of a business that encourages people to realize their full potential. You will learn how to maximize the potential in those who work with you, and enjoy the freedom to rub shoulders with people that you love.

Instead of waiting for promotion or being restricted by the structures of someone else's business, you can take up the challenge to produce a business that breaks new ground and allows you to fulfill your financial dreams. There is little more exciting than knowing you have the potential to build everything that you have ever dreamed of.

Content Details

A. Seven Business Boats

  1. Find out how to choose a business niche, product range and place to carry out business
  2. Learn which selling method to use and who you should employ in your business
  3. Learn how to do market research and find out where and how to launch your new business

B. Power of Selling

  1. Avoid the classic mistakes made by most business owners by learning the three main factors in selling
  2. Find out what you should know about each prospect and how to treat a prospect
  3. Learn how to use the three essential human desires to locate and create desires in your prospect
  4. Discover how to give your business a face, use scarcity and get people to love and trust you

C.Choosing Your Crew

  1. You cannot accumulate wealth without help, but choosing the right people can be tricky
  2. You will learn what is needed for the various business models, such as freelancer, small retail, medium sized, continuity program, ground breaking, franchise or public company
  3. Discover how to use temperaments to correctly employ staff, set up work teams, sales teams, admin teams, production teams and support
  4. Find out how to establish top-down and bottom-up communication and keep a clear chain of command
  5. Know how to walk in the light as a Christian business owner and when to promote or discipline staff

D. Plotting Your Business Course

  1. Find out how to set a marketing strategy by finding hungry target markets, converting need into desire, using social proof and making the right use of fear
  2. Discover the five differences between marketing and selling and the three main marketing possibilities that you will always have
  3. Learn how to identify and tap into existing markets, create new markets and revive old markets

E. Charting Common Courses

  1. Find what is common to all human beings, starting with physical needs and desires, including food and sexuality, and the health market
  2. See how to cater to the hunger of the human mind and how information products are taking the world by storm
  3. Learn how to capitalize on the desire for entertainment, make life easier through services and help others to achieve their dreams
  4. Know your niches, why men and women have different needs and desires, the needs of childhood, youth and old age and the special needs of singles
  5. Be aware of how to deal with different cultures, status levels and people groups and specialized human needs

F. Catching the Wind

  1. Just as wind is important to a boat, so you must identify the winds that drive your business
  2. Learn to recognize the sources of the wind, identify the direction of the wind and know the strength of the wind
  3. Start working with the third part of human nature - markets that reach beyond body and soul and use the spiritual power of wealth
  4. Discover what makes mankind unique by learning the essentials of creativity and the importance of originality
  5. Find out how to make use of world events, get on your soap box and recognize a tipping point
  6. Receive instruction on how to come up with original ideas, build bridges to others and predict market trends

Price: R260.00 - $19.99

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Customer Reviews:

This book should be the church's standard for business AFTER

Rated: By Ricardo From Orlando, FL USA on 2011-02-09

This book, for me, has become a complete reference guide! Not only that I am at Full Sail University for Music Business in hopes to find out how the world system is doing music business. Then afterward I am as Moses was "learned in all the wisdom and knowledge of Egypt" I will tear down those foundations and walls and build God's Kingdom and HIS WAY of MUSIC Business the same way DAVID set up worship and praise around the tabernacle of David when he brought back the Ark.

The truths that I have learned in this book I am applying in school to the point where the instructors are impressed with this wisdom that Les has shares. (Of course I reference and give Les the credit when I cite this book).

But I will and I DO recommend people in business and even to those in the Church Body to get this book in hopes that they will come out of Egypt and the world system and prosper God's Way. I always recommend this book side by side with Les' The Way of Blessing. These two books are like right and left hooks to Satan's kingdom.
